User:Throat Wolf/Outfoxed Chapter 3

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Vore/Neko Project Campus story universe
This story contains adult content.

Outfoxed (Chapter 3)

Author: Throat Wolf

Info icon.pngOutfoxed (Chapter 3)
Author:Throat Wolf
Series:Outfoxed (#3)
Previous:Chapter 2
Next:Chapter 4
Setting/Universe:Vore/Neko Project Campus
Co-written with KazukiFennec of Eka's Portal.


This is a vorarephilia (vore) story, in which people get eaten for erotic purposes. Unlike many vorarephila stories, my flavor of vore is entirely non-lethal; I'm not interested in snuff. However, if vore is not your thing, you probably will not enjoy this regardless.

ight had fallen, and Ian and Janice were again sleeping separately. Ian was in bed, and Janice was again curled up on the couch, muzzle buried in the heap of her bushy tails.

Janice glanced at the bedroom door from time to time, thoughtfully, trying to gauge the best time to move their relationship along a little by sneeking in to cuddle. There was an art to these things. If you snuck in too early, you came off as too eager…but if you waited too long, it might give them the other kind of wrong impression.

She was so engaged in these meditations that she almost failed to hear the faint scratching at the keyhole of the apartment door—but she didn’t quite. Her ears parked up, and her head raised as she peered through the dark at the source of the sound. Well, what have we here? she thought.

Then the latch clicked, and the door swung open a crack. She froze, and a moment later a discarded plushie fox toy was lying on the sofa instead of a real multi-tailed fox.

A figure that would have been dark to anyone who didn’t have vulpine nightvision slipped in. It ignored the plushie on the sofa and made straight for the kitchen, where the expensive new espresso machine sat on the counter. “Heh, sucker needs to learn to buy a lock worth a damn…” the burglar chuckled, sotto voce, and began unplugging the device.

“Or maybe he just needs a watchdog,” a voice said from behind him, a moment before a hand turned his head around and a pair of lips latched onto his. Before the burglar could so much as squeak, he felt the strength seem to drain out of his body, leaving him weak and confused.

Janice licked her lips. “Mmm. What am I going to do with you?” she murmured. “I had been inclined to be lenient, but then you touched my kohi machine.”

The burglar, disoriented, stumbled back a bit, steadying himself against the counter. “Wh—what did you—?” he stammered, unprepared to deal with someone actually being in the apartment, much less the situation he now found himself in.

Janice, who was wearing her humanoid furry fox form, placed a finger to her muzzle. “Shhh. Mustn’t wake my master.” She winked, and leaned in closer to kiss the burglar again.

Outright confusion began to replace alarm as the burglar received the kiss, and then returned the affection.

“Now,” Janice whispered. “Who owns you? You only get one guess.”

“You, mistress,” he murmured, surprised by the words coming out of his own mouth.

“Mmmm. Now whatever am I going to do with you? Can’t have you hanging around here…” She licked her lips again. “Do you have any suggestions?”

Feeling what last bit of free will he had slip away, he observed her licking her lips. “Are you hungry, mistress?” he asked.

Janice grinned, showing teeth. “Why, yes! Why do you ask?”

He looked down, shyly. “I thought…maybe…”

Janice leaned closer. “Mmmm?”

“…you might want to…eat me?”

Janice licked her lips again. “Oh, you’re smart.” She kissed him again, though relenting on the willpower draining this time. “And tasty. But, mmm…other than that, why should I eat you? Convince me.”

The burglar looked at a loss. “H…how would I do that, mistress?”

“Mmm, well, begging works sometimes.”

The burglar whimpered. “P…please eat me?”

Janice grinned. “Or you could tell me why you want me to eat you?”

The burglar frowned. “…I…I don’t know?” he murmured.

“You want to be inside of me? Become a part of me?” Janice prompted.

“I…yes. That’s what I want.” He shivered, hugging himself. “To…feel you all around me…”

“Then show me.” Janice licked her lips again, then leaned forward and opened wider.

The burglar stood up, and leaned in, then softly laid his head down in her mouth, on the soft cushion of her tongue. “Take me, mistress…” he murmured.

“Mmmmm,” Janice said. She couldn’t say much else with her mouth full. But she put her arms around the burglar, pulling him close to her. Then she made a gesture with one hand, and all the clothing the man had been wearing fell through him to the ground. That was better. She opened her mouth wider, working her mouth down over the burglar’s head and neck.

The burglar squirmed slightly in her increasingly warm, moist embrace, in an attempt to ease her progress in swallowing him, gently slipping as well as he can down her throat. By this point, of course, he couldn’t speak, but he did murmur softly in pleasure.

Janice reached down, grabbing him by the legs and pushing him further into her throat. Her jaws moved over his chest, past his navel, and toward his crotch. “Mmmmm…” He really did taste good. She could also tell he hadn’t showered in a while, but that only made his flavor stronger, like a fine cheese.

The soft, all-encompassing warmth of her around him was having effects that he had not anticipated, and he began to become aroused by the exotic environment.

Janice pulled him further into her mouth, opening wider to take his hips inside, and beginning to lick at his crotch. It did not take long at all before she felt him beginning to respond, and she intensified her efforts.

The hapless burglar moaned and writhed at this stimulation of his most tender part, but he had no way to escape from it as tightly as he was held in place by Janice’s jaws. At last he began to thrust back despite himself, until he finally rewarded Janice with a slimy, salty treat.

Janice swallowed again and again, pulling the burglar further into her mouth. After the wideness of his hips, the rest was easy. He slid into her throat and down, squeezed tightly by the peristaltic muscles. Three more swallows, and then Janice gave the soles of his feet a parting lick and closed her mouth over them.

Janice swallowed a few more times, pushing him the rest of the way down into her stomach (which now bulged pleasantly). Moving carefully, tails extended to keep her balance, Janice moved back over to the couch and sank onto the cushions. She smiled, and massaged the lump in her chest. “Hello in there,” she whispered. “How do you feel?”

“W-warm… Wet…” the erstwhile burglar murmured, as he began to take stock of his environment. It was dark, moist, cramped, and starting to become a distinctly less pleasant place to be than he had first felt it to be…

“Aww, beginning to have second thoughts?” Janice murmured. “Well, I’m afraid it’s a little too late for that. You’ve already fed yourself to me…and I’m not bulimic.”

“Wait… I… I fed myself to you…” he stated, only now the gravity of his situation beginning to strike him. “Wh-what did you do to me?” he stammered, tring to move around.

“I ate you, silly boy. What could I do when you fed yourself to me like that?” Janice giggled. “Perhaps I did help you get the idea a little…but then again, you broke into my master’s apartment and tried to steal my kohi machine.” She patted her stomach. “Mmmm. But you were tasty, I’ll give you that.”

“How, how could you… Please, let me go…” he begged, almost as vehemently as he had begged for her to eat him in the first place, but this time, considerably less successfully.

“Why would I do a silly thing like that? Then you’d just go burglarize someone else. I think the neighborhood will be a lot safer with you as part of me.” She leaned back and closed her eyes. “And you will be part of me.”

“I don’t want to die…” the burglar whimpered, impotently, starting to realize that his situation was utterly and completely out of his control.

“Die? What makes you think I’d let you off that easy?” Janice smiled again. “Oh, no. You’re mine now, and I’m keeping you. You’re going to live as a part of me now, until I find something I want to use you for.” She massaged her stomach again, and it began to fill with warm, sticky fluid. “And now it’s time for you to find out what that’s like.”

The burglar’s vision somehow turned more black than it already was, and softly, nothingness claimed his awareness.

Janice sighed happily as her stomach gurgled and shrank back to its normal size. “Mmm, tasty. Why ‘take a bite out of crime’ when you can just swallow it whole?” She stretched, got up, and wandered to the kitchen to gather up the burglar’s clothes and tools to take to the dumpster. It wouldn’t do to let Ian find them.

On her way back in, she paused thoughtfully at the door. “Hmmm. He was tasty, but on the other hand, I might not be here next time dinner comes to call…and they might get my kohi machine. Can’t have that.” She tapped the lock with a fingernail, and it disassembled and reassembled itself into perfect working order. Then she slapped her left fist into the palm of her right hand, and a new deadbolt lock appeared on the door. She slid it home, and nodded. “Good.”

Then she looked at the clock on the wall. “Mmm, I think it’s just about that time.” She shrank back to her plushie form, and sauntered through the open bedroom door.

Preceded by:
Chapter 2
Outfoxed Succeeded by:
Chapter 4