Cougar Town

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By Triskelelynx

Note: this story has adult scenes

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No matter how many times I checked my math, the answer came out the same.

I had flunked my Calculus II mid-term exam so badly that, even if I got straight 100s for the rest of the semester, my final grade would be too low to keep my scholarship. Without it, there was no way my family could pay my tuition at a private liberal arts college like Murchison U.

My roommate Scott heard me groan, and asked what was wrong. I explained, and he let out a low whistle.

"Damn!” he said. “What are you going to do?"

“Transfer to UT or A&M, I guess.”

“That sucks. You‘ve been a good roommate.” He went back to studying, then a few minutes later said, “You need a cougar.”

“A what?”

“A cougar. A rich woman to pay your bills. The female equivalent of a sugar daddy.”

“Oh, stop it!" I yelled, "How the heck could I attract a woman like that?" I was after all, a scrawny, somewhat nerdy engineering major. "Besides, that's just wrong!"

He just smiled and went back to his studying,

A few days later, he flashed me a big grin and showed me an ad on Craigslist. “Cougar wanted,” it said. “Nice but shy SWM, NS, college student seeks sugar mommy for …” I didn’t bother reading the rest. "Come one!” I said. “Did you do that?”

“Yep! And you have a response already!”

It took him a few days to convince me to let him reply for me. The next day, he told me that I had a lunch date Saturday at a Riverwalk café. I almost didn’t go, but I figured, what did I have to lose?

And that is how I met Ashley. I was wearing my best jeans, a halfway decent button-down shirt, and a tie. I was a few minutes late. I’d like to say it was because I missed a bus connection, but it was mostly because I had trouble getting the knot in my tie right.

Years ago, the City of San Antonio made plans to bury the San Antonio River through downtown. A group of insightful women saw that it could be more and convinced the city to do otherwise. Now it is an entertainment district one level below the street. The river has walkways on both sides, lined with restaurants, bars and shops.

I walked down the steps from the street and saw a slender woman sitting at a table set for two. Her back was to me, so my first impression was tawny blond hair gathered in a silver clip at neck level, and hanging about halfway down the back of her white silk blouse. She was wearing a denim skirt just barely too short and tight for modesty, and cowboy boots.

I walked up to the table, and she smiled up at me. “Are you Jake?” she asked. Her eyes matched her blue topaz pendant and earings. She was somewhere in her mid-thirties, and very attractive, but not quite gorgeous. That was a relief. I always get awkward and tongue-tied around beautiful women. “Yes, ma’am,” I replied.

“Then, have a seat. And lose the tie,” she said. “And don’t call me ma’am.” To be honest, I was glad she told me to take the tie off. I hate wearing ties. They feel like an inverted noose arund my neck. Also, it was getting rather warm in the sun. We spent a while in small talk until the waiter came over. She ordered for me, something Italian sounding and a glass of wine. I started to say that I was under 21, but she silenced me with a look. The waiter certainly looked like he wasn’t going to ask any questions.

The meal was delicious. It was a mixture of fresh vegetables, pasta and steak in a red sauce. Not a jar sauce you’d buy down in the HEB supermarket, but a sauce made from freshly diced tomatoes, herbs and spices, and red wine. We chatted some more while finishing out meals. After the waiter cleared the plates, her demeanor changed. Suddenly all business, she asked, “So, Jake, what do you want from me?”

Instantly, a cat got my tongue. I had no idea what to say. Eventually, I managed to tell her the story about failing my Calc mid-term, losing my scholarship and my roommate’s solution.

“So, you’re looking for someone to pay your way through college,” she said.

“I don’t know what I’m looking for, ma’am. It‘s just that I like Murch U. I want to finish my degree there, and I don‘t know how to pay for it. When Scott said he had set up the date with you, I figured I could always say no if I felt uncomfortable about it. At worst, I would be out an afternoon and the price of lunch.”

“What’s Scott’s phone number?” she asked, pulling a high-end smartphone from her purse. I told her, and she called him. First, she verified that Scott had indeed placed the Craigslist ad and set me up. Then, she asked all sorts of questions about me like she was checking a job candidate’s references. She thanked Scott, put her phone in her purse, then looked at me for several long, awkward minutes.

“I’m actually a Murch alumna, class of ‘99, so I understand why you’d want to stay. I like you, Jake. I’ll tell you what. You’re tuition is paid through the end of the semester, right? Let’s consider that your probation. If we get along, you work hard for me, and you pull up your Calc grade as best you can, I’ll think about sponsoring you for the fall semester. In return, you'll work part time as my personal assistant. If it doesn‘t work out, well, I know someone in the Admissions Office at A&M.”

So, that is how it started. A few afternoons each week, I helped her with her real estate business. I set up A/V and computer equipment at her business meetings, did internet research, ran errands for her, and was her general all-around gofer. Occasionally, I provided company for dinner, but the one thing I was both hoping for and afraid of never happened. She never came on to me. In fact, she only touched me a handful of times, never flirted and rarely even joked about sex.

She called me into her office after finals were over. She said, “You know, you’ve been a big help. I would have lost my shirt on the Boerne property if you hadn't spotted that structural problem. I hear the city just condemned it. Also, I talked to Dr. Drake, and he said you managed to pull off a B-. He was impressed, given your midterm grade. So, you fulfilled your part of our bargain. Now, whatever you decide about college, I’d like to keep you on. Do you still want to go to Murch next year?”

I nodded my head yes. “Good” She put a piece of paper in front of me. “This is a contract. It says that I will pay your tuition for the fall semester. In return, you agree to work as my personal assistant. You will also maintain a B average, and add a minor in business administration to your engineering classes. After graduation, you'll make donations to Murch's financial aid endowment. If you do not satisfy these terms, you will repay me. Is that acceptable?”

“Um, do you have a pen I could use?” I signed the contract, and she signed her name beside mine. Then, she pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. Inside was a check for the fall semester’s tuition, minus the financial aid I had managed to keep.

“You’ll still be responsible for room, board and fees,” she said. I wasn’t about to complain. “Now, two more things. If you are going to be my assistant next year, you’ll need more reliable transportation than the bus or your bike.” She handed me another envelope. Inside it were the keys, title, registration and insurance for an older Civic. “Consider it your bonus for stopping me from buying that building. I assume you can drive a manual? No? Well then, I’ll just have to teach you!”

"Oh, wow! Thanks!" I spluttered, at a loss for any better words.

"And the other thing. A friend of mine works for Moody and Baker Engineering. On my recommendation, he's agreed to give you an internship this summer. You'll work for them half time, and half time for me. You can stay in my guest room. Interested?"

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I spent a few weeks at home before returning to San Antonio for the summer. My parents were exfremely unhappy about all this. They thought Ashley was using me for something. They didn't know what, but they didn't trust her motives. They also didn’t like the fact that I would be living with an older woman. It didn't matter that I said we'd never had sex. In the end, though, I convinced them that a deal was a deal, and I couldn’t back out.

Monday through Wednesday, I'd get up, we'd have breakfast together, and I'd drive the Civic to M&B. I learned a lot about what engineering is really like. While the calculations I was learning at school are a part, it's really about solving the clients' problems, within their budget, site constraints and building codes. That and documenting everything you do.

Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays were spent as Ashley's gofer and A/V squad. I'd also occasionally be her date for business dinners and other social functions. She taught me a lot that I would never have learned at the university: how to read people, how to read a contract, how to cook, how to choose a good wine, how to dress well. It was quite an education.

I also helped out at her ranch in the Texas Hill Country, clearing brush or restoring the old stone ranchhouse. She was trying to exterminate invasive salt cedar from her property, and it was a lot of hard work. One day, I looked down at some ground still damp from last nights thunderstorms, and saw what appeared to be a big cat track. She said it was a bobcat. I wasn’t so sure. It was huge.

I stopped at an Army/Navy store the next day and bought a Ka-Bar. I knew I wouldn’t need it for a bobcat, and it wouldn’t help against a puma. Still, carrying it made me feel better when we were clearing brush. It made her laugh.

In early June, my parents came up for a weekend to meet Ashley. She must have made a good impression, because their disapproval faded after that.

As I got to know her, I occasionally caught glimpses behind the facade she showed the world. She wasn't the strong, self-sufficient businesswoman she liked people to think she was. Every once in a while, she'd see a happy couple, and a lonely, wistful look would come over her face for just an instant. Once in a great while, she'd start flirt with me, stop suddenly and deny it ever happened.

And that’s how I ended up at her ranch one night in mid June. After a wonderful dinner that we had cooked together, and more wine than I was used to, she started flirting with me. I expected her to stop like always, but she didn't. I suppose the wine also helped, but the next thing I knew, I was flat on my back on her four-post bed, buck naked. The old floor-to-ceiling doors were open, and the curtains fluttered in the warm evening breeze. She was kneeling over me, naked and half-illuminated by the light of the full moon, saying, “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,“ I said. Get a 20 year guy old somewhat drunk and very hot and bothered, and he’ll say yes to just about anything a good looking woman asks.

She took my wrists and stretched my hands up over my head and pinned them there. She then straddled my thighs and wrapped one hand around my cock. “Comfy?” she asked as she kneaded with her strong fingers. I was too distracted to reply with anything but a low moan.

She dug her nails into the tender skin along the underside of my cock. I gasped. I was about to complain, but it felt incredible. She raised herself up onto her knees, shifted a bit, then impaled herself on me. She was hot, wet and tight. Hotter and tighter than anyone I had ever been with before. Not that I was very experienced.

I moaned again and closed my eyes. She lifted up again, and something sharp dragged against the top of my cock as she did so. I instantly sat up, or would have if my arms hadn’t been pinned down. She was way stronger than she looked. “What the fuck!” I yelled as I looked down. Two thin scratches ran the length of my cock, with beads of blood forming. “Why the heck did you do that? Let me go!”

“I’m afraid I can’t, Jake. Not anymore. If I did, I’d have to kill you. And I like you too much to do that.”

She sank back down, and her vaginal wetness stung in the scratches. “You see, Jake,” she said as she leaned forward, the candles on the nightstands shining on her face, “I’m not exactly human, and soon you won’t be either.”

As she said this, her irises changed from blue to gold, and expanded so no white was showing. Changes progressed outwards from there. Her eyelids turned black, and the outer corners shifted upwards. Her nose grew broader, then longer as her upper lip became fleshier and her jaws extended. Her ears became thin, pointed, and migrated back and up. She sat up again, and her breasts shrank until they were mostly nipple. Two rows of dark spots appeared below them, then grew into additional nipples.

She sat there for a moment, with her free hand resting on my belly. Each finger ended in a sharp, hooked claw.

“I’m a shape shifter, a were-cougar. And now you will be too. It’s transmitted by bodily fluids. I could have bitten you, but I thought this would be more … fun. With my vashinal wetnesh in your bloodshtream, you will be a were-cougar, thoo!” She smiled, showing off long fangs and sharp incisors.

“You know, I wash thinking abouth thath Craigthlith ad.” Her diction was becoming slurred as her mouth became more and more catlike. “You really shoulth be carefull whath you athk for, jutht in cathe you geth ith!” By this time, her body was covered in pale brown fur, and her internal temperature became even hotter.

My mind was torn between horny and horror. I wanted to throw her off me and run. I wanted her to keep fucking me. I didn’t want to come and release the only control I had left. I couldn’t wait until I did. I was on the edge of panic when I finally orgasmed, my cock pulsing and throbbing inside what was now almost entirely a cougar. Only a few faint vestiges of humanity were still visible - fingers on her front paws, and a deeper brainpan than normal for a feline. She lay down on me and pushed her nose into my face. Her tail flicked between my ankles. Her whiskers tickled as she rubbed her cheeks on mine.

“Scent marking me, claiming me as yours? I asked. She lifted her head, and nodded. All of a sudden, I had to laugh. She tilted her head as if to ask, “What?”

“I just came in a pussy pussy!” She crinkled her nose at me, and proceeded to lick my face with her very rough tongue.

The next morning, I woke up with my cock in something hot, wet and vibrating. It took me a minute to realize what was going on - the most incredible blowjob I’d ever gotten. She was purring! Between that and the incredible things her rough but supple tongue did to me, I quickly exploded into her mouth. She cleaned me off with her tongue, then licked her lips.

“There is a serious advantage to being one of the smaller cats,” she said. “Lions, tigers and leopards get all the press, but they can’t give purr jobs! Come on, breakfast is ready. Let’s eat while I explain.”

Breakfast was delicious, as usual. As we ate, she told me that she had been an ROTC cadet until she was diagnosed with advanced hepatitis during her sophomore year. This was when it was still difficult to treat. She lost her ROTC scholarship, and would have had to withdraw from Murch if one of her doctors hadn't taken her under his wing. Soon after, she let him seduce her, only to find herself being forced by a cougar. He was apologetic after, and taught her how to control her inner beast, but she never again let her guard down around him. Until the previous night, had restricted herself to a few one-night stands with other were-folk.

“You know,” she said, “I wasn’t joking last night. When I said I’d have to kill you. It’s one of the few laws all weres have in common. Anyone who knows we exist must become one of us, or die. Had I let you go, the local werewolf pack would hunt us down. They'd kill me, and rape you, making you one of them.”

She stopped spreading jam on her toast and put it down. “I’m sorry, Jake, truly I am. It’s just that I’ve been so alone. I can’t undo what I did to you last night. I wish I could have given you a choice.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I wasn’t yet sure how I felt about what she had done to me, but I still cared for her.

She continued, “What Dr. Hennessey did to me felt like I had been raped. Yes, the sex was completely consensual, but what came with it… was very much like a rape. And now, I've done the same thing to you."

"And on top of that, I changed you because I was tired of being human all the time. I like being the cougar. It's how I decompress after a hard day. I could have found you a summer sublet to stay in, but instead I brought you out here with me. I should have known the full moon would weaken my self control."

"I feel so guilty. For ultimately selfish reasons, I condemned you to the same lonely life I'm stuck with. Can you forgive me?" She looked so miserable, so apologetic, that I took her in my arms, and kissed her tears away.

Then something she had said clicked. “You had unprotected sex with me, and you have hepatitis?” I almost screamed it at her.

She laughed at me. That made me even madder. She actually laughed at me.

“I turned you into a fucking werecat, and you’re worried about hepatitis?” She continued more quietly. “Jake, The virus can’t survive in a feline body. That why Dr. Hennessey did it - to cure me. What's more, most cougar diseases can’t survive in humans. About the only thing we have to worry about are rabies and toxoplasmosis. Avoid rabid animals, don‘t eat rats and wash your hands after changing a litter box, and you don‘t really have to worry about infectious disease at all.”

We went our separate ways to work: me to my internship, her to her office. Work was strange. I had gone through the strangest experience in my life, and I couldn't say anything. I had to reassess my views of reality. If werefolk were real, what about all the other myths? Fernando, our survey chief, had long lower canines. Was he one of us? That strange, shaggy professor in the Classics department. Could he be Pan in disguise? Needless to say, I was distracted. Enough so that I my supervisor sent me home early.

I drove back to the ranch, walked up the steps to the veranda, and sat down. I spent a while looking out over the ranch towards the clearing where I had changed the night before, thinking. Ruminating, really, trying to figure out the rest of my life without really enough data to make informed decisions. I could almost hear Dr. Doder chastizing me for that.

Motion and a scent caught my attention. A cougar walked around the corner and hopped up onto the veranda. I tensed for a second, then realized it was holding its head and tail up high, not the low stalking posture. Also, it had topaz earings. "Ashley?" I asked.

The big cat nodded yes, and climbed up on the seat next to me. She looked me in the eyes, butted he head into me, and purred as she licked along my jaw. Her rough tongue tugged on my five-o'clock shadow.

That's when it got weird. She turned around so her butt was towards me, lowered her front half and raised her hips as high as she could. Her tail went straight up. and, there, a few inches from my face, the pink folds of a damp, very human pussy glistened in the late-day sun.

What was I supposed to do? I didn't exactly know the finer points of cougar etiquette. I figured I'd do what my friend Ted's cats did. I leaned forward and took a sniff.

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We spent the next several weeks like that. She’d wake me with a blowjob or sex, we’d go off to work, then come home for more. In between, she told me what to expect on the next night of the full moon. Eventually, she said, I’d be able to control it and change at will regardless of the moon phase, but for the next six months or so, I should plan on spending full moon nights at the ranch.

During that time, I felt something strange building within me. Some sort of tension, or static electric energy. It felt like every nerve I had was buzzing with fear or with anticipation, I couldn’t tell which. Probably both. She enrolled me in meditation and tai chi lessons, and that was the only thing that really eased the itch. Well, that and sex.

The morning of the full moon, I woke up before she did for a change. I was near bursting with the tension within me. I figured it was time to pay her back for all the wakeup calls she had given me. I slowly spread Ashley’s legs apart, then kissed the slit between them, at first gently, then with more and more pressure as her labia swelled and dampened. I licked and sucked and prodded with my tongue until I felt her spasm. Before the last wave crested, I flipped her on to her stomach, then took her from behind. Before long, she came again with me inside her. It felt so good that I followed shortly thereafter. I collapsed on top of her as we basked in the orgasm afterglow.

She lifted herself up on one elbow to look over her shoulder at me, smiled, and kissed me. Then she reached over to her handbag and pulled out a compact. She opened it up and held it so I could see myself in the mirror. My brown eyes had lightened to cougar gold.

I called in sick to my internship, and we spent most of the day clearing salt cedar. By the end of the day, I felt like I was holding a live wire or something. My whole body was buzzing with energy. I heard a flutter behind me, and by reflex turned to look. My eye was immediately caught by the motion of a sparrow flying overhead. After it passed, I smelled its scent wafting down.

All day, I was being distracted by the local wildlife. All the time I had helped her on her ranch, I had never noticed how much of it there was. Now, every rustle, every scent on the breeze, every glimpse of motion caught my attention. Late in the afternoon, we spooked a rabbit, and I almost started chasing it. Ashley laughed, put her arms around me and said “I’ve done that, too. Come on, it’s almost time.”

With the sun getting low in the sky, she led me to a secluded clearing overlooking the creek. We undressed each other, then sat down to watch the sunset. It made everything glow, including her body. Her scent filled my nostrils. I reached for her. She put her arms around me, gave me a hug, and said, “Not now. Later, I promise.” She was still holding me as the nervous tension inside me crescendoed. I looked behind us, and saw the moon rising over the hill. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here with you. I’ll be with you.” She kept murmuring reassurances in my ear as the tension became unbearable.

It started in my groin where she had - is infected the right word? - well, infected me. My cock and balls retreated backwards between my legs. My cock was slowly being enveloped by a sheath. As I watched, the tip disappeared inside it. I felt pressure inside my fingertips. My nails grew thicker and longer and hooked into wickedly sharp claws. Then I felt the same thing in my toes. My toenails became claws, then my toes bent upwards as my foot bones lengthened.

My canine teeth expanded in girth and length. I ran my tongue over my new fangs. The pressure grew to fill my lower face. I felt my jaws extending forward, pushed out by the pressure within. My nose broadened and suddenly, I was overwhelmed by the scents surrounding me. I focused on Ashley’s scent. Her odor, her words whispered in my ears, her arms around me kept me grounded, sane, as my ears were dragged backwards and upwards through my skull.

It’s hard to describe what happened after that. It’s not that I don’t remember what happened. I can’t find the words to describe it. My best guess is, as the changes penetrated into my brain, I lost the use of language. Ashley’s murmured reassurances became a soft buzz. This scared me more than anything else had. Was I losing my identity, the thoughts and skills and experiences that made me who I am? Until then, I could think of myself as a human in a cougar body. Now I was losing that, too,

The pressure increased and the changes to my arms, leg and head progressed. Finally, with a sensation somewhere between a full-body toothache and a mind-blowing, toe-curling orgasm, the rest of my body followed. I was a cougar.

You know the feeling of release when the last item of clothing comes off, and you're finally fully naked for the first time with a new lover? That's what it felt like. I felt free. Unfettered.

I tried to run, but my four legs betrayed me. I couldn’t coordinate them, and fell painfully on my snout. Ashley let me go, and got down on her hands and knees. She shifted into a cougar herself. It was the first time I got to watch her shift since that night weeks before. I had been a bit distracted then. I was amazed by how fluid it looked, compared to how my change felt. After I regained my feet, she led me into the bushes. I stumbled at first, but soon walking on four legs seemed natural.

We spent the night prowling her ranch. She taught me how to walk, run, pounce, and climb on four legs instead of two, how to use night vision, smell and hearing to navigate instead of stumbling around in the dark. Towards dawn, she brought down a yearling buck, and I tasted hot blood for the first time. It was wonderful.

Then she led me back to the clearing by the creek where we had first changed. We made love in the dawn sunlight as we regained our humanity. Along with everything else that summer, she taught me how to be a cougar and a man, without losing my identity in the cougar mind.