From Shifti
This is the root category for all stories on this site. There isn't any editorial control over quality here, though certain future subcategories may be more discriminating, so when browsing bear in mind that there may be incomplete or otherwise "rough" works in here.
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Category pages only display 200 entries at a time. To see more, click the "next 200" link below.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Story"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,142 total.
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- A Cat Girl Maid's Bet
- A Change for the Better
- A Different Kind of Love
- User:Jetfire/A Fire in the Sky Book2
- User:Jetfire/A Fire in the Sky Book3
- A House Divided
- User:Erastus/A Most Unusual Family
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/A New Realm...?
- A sentence of Truth
- A stay at the robot sanitarium
- A Walk in the Park
- A Woman Within
- User:Virmir/Abysses
- User:Eirik/Access
- User:Acinonyx2
- Actaeon Reborn
- User:Michael Bard/Action MUST be Taken!
- User:Posti/After and Before
- User:JonBuck/After Hours
- Against Type
- Alex and Hannah
- Alexei's Intro WIP
- Alien^i
- User:Jetfire/All Hell Breakin Loose
- User:Jetfire/All Spark Bulletin
- User:Doomreaver/A Taste of Insanity
- User:Doomreaver/Apples
- User:Doomreaver/Choices
- User:Doomreaver/Crawling
- User:Doomreaver/Heartbeat
- User:Doomreaver/Invasion
- All You Need to Know
- All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
- User:Jetfire/Aloha
- User:Hawl/Aloha666
- User:Robotech Master/Aloha Stonegates
- Am I Dreaming?
- The Ambush
- Ami's Song
- User:Hawl/An Albino's Breakdown
- User:Hawl/An Integrate's Guide To Love
- User:Eirik/...And the Universe Fell
- ...And This Little Piggy Stayed Home
- User:Azimuth/Andy
- User:Robotech Master/ANGLE ON
- User:Slyfordtrabbit/Animal House
- Ant Trouble
- User:Phil Geusz/Anubis
- User:Eirik/Appleseed
- User:Michael Bard/The Applicant
- Arms and Armor
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Arriving in Lecce
- Arriving on The Cause
- Arrow's Vignettes:Enfield transformation
- Arrow's Vignettes:Luminari transformation
- User:Slyfordtrabbit/As For Sly...
- User:Eirik/Ass Backwards
- User:Jetfire/Astra-naught
- User:Eirik/At the End of Time
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Epilogue
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 1/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 6/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 2/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 3/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 4/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 5/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 7/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 8/9
- User:FelixSagittarius/At the Ranch Pt 9/9
- User:Jetfire/Auld Lang Syne
- User:Leasara/Awakening
- User:Awareqwx/Magic for the Mundane 1
- User:Awareqwx/Magic for the Mundane 2
- User:Awareqwx/Magic for the Mundane 3
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Back to the Grove
- Back to Xanadu
- Bad Case of Photosensitivity
- User:MatthiasRat/Bad Papers
- User:Eirik/Ballad
- The Bandit King
- User:Eirik/Bare Hands
- User:Robotech Master/Slightly Foxed
- User:Eirik/Bargain
- User:MatthiasRat/Bathing Alone
- User:Posti/Baylors Rein
- Be Prepared
- User:Jetfire/The Bear Facts
- The Bear Pair
- User:Eirik/The Beast Within
- User:Michael Bard/A Bee or not a Bee
- User:Zxarr/Beginning
- User:Eirik/Beginnings from Endings
- User:Mona Lisa/Being Tanda
- User:Michael Bard/Beornwyn's Love
- User:Eirik/Best Friends
- User:Eirik/Best Laid Plans
- User:Feathertail/A Better Life
- User:Michael Bard/Between the Worlds
- Beyond the Scope of Reason
- User:Michael Bard/Beyond the Wall of Ice
- User:Jetfire/Big Sky Country
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Birds of a Feather
- User:Posti/Bite of the Apple
- Blade
- User:Feathertail/Blind As A ...
- User:Posti/Blind Man
- User:Eirik/Blood and Thunder
- User:Michael Bard/The Bloodstone's Gift
- User:Michael Bard/Bob and the Goose
- User:Phil Geusz/Body By Harmani
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Bones the Satyr
- The Bottom of the Barrel
- User:Posti/Bottom Up
- Brachyura
- Braggart
- User:Jetfire/Broken Crown
- User:Posti/Broken Hart
- User:Eirik/Brother Against Brother
- User:Cubist/Building the Perfect Beast
- User:Mysterion/Bull Market
- Bundle Of Roses (Through the Monitor)
- Bureaucracy in Action
- User:Posti/Business Associate
- Butterflies are the Gentlest
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Campfire Chat
- User:Michael Bard/Can I help You?
- User:Robotech Master/Capsule Review: Changed: The Unveiling
- Captain's Tale
- User:Eirik/Care and Feeding
- The Care Bear Caper!
- Cascade Failure
- Case Briefing: Leon v. Stewart
- Castle Fever Cat
- User:Jetfire/Cat Scratch Fever
- The Catalyst
- Catastrophe...Ch.1-3
- Catastrophe...Ch.4-6
- Caught in a Bind
- User:Jetfire/Cave of Wonders
- User:Jetfire/Centaurville
- User:Eirik/Centers of Power
- User:Arrow Quivershaft/Cerberus
- User:MatthiasRat/Change Building
- User:Eirik/Change Lady
- User:Leasara/Change of Flightplan
- User:Eirik/Change of Seasons
- User:Nikon/Changing Perspectives
- Chapter 1: Mangoes
- Chapter 2: Knitting Needles
- Chapter 3: Flatbread
- User:Posti/Charlie's Eyes
- Charlie's Grill and Bar
- Checkpoint
- Checkpoint 2
- Checkpoint 3
- Checkpoint 4
- Chickenhawk and the Shapeshifter
- User:Slyfordtrabbit/Child's Play
- User:Michael Bard/Choices
- User:Michael Bard/Christmas Dreams
- User:Michael Bard/Christmas in the National Enchanted Forest
- User:Cubist/Christmas Rush
- User:Posti/
- User:Claude LeChat/Alpha Camp
- User:Claude LeChat/Dragon's Wish
- User:Claude LeChat/Imperfect Coupling
- User:Claude LeChat/Invader
- User:Claude LeChat/Kingdom of the Fire River
- User:Claude LeChat/Parole Planet
- User:Claude LeChat/Return to Alpha Camp
- User:Claude LeChat/The Wolf and the Father
- User:Claude LeChat/The Wolf With the Red Cap
- Claw Hill
- Claws of the Tiger
- User:Eirik/Cleaning Day at the Mad Scientist's Lair
- User:Posti/Cleaning Up
- User:Jetfire/Clearing the Air
- User:Clicketyclack/Scales
- User:Posti/Clothes Horse
- Cloud Seeding
- Clover Hill
- User:Robotech Master/Cold and Wet Nose for News
- User:Phil Geusz/Cold Judgement
- Colliding Worlds
- Colony
- Comic Genesis
- User:Nikon/Coming Home
- User:Phaedrus/Commission
- User:Posti/Companion
- User:Concerned Reader/Lotka Volterra
- User:MatthiasRat/Confession Building
- User:Michael Bard/Consequences: The Simple Things
- Consolidation
- Contagious
- User:MatthiasRat/Convention Building
- Conversations
- Conversions
- Cougar Town